So begins another, what should be, uneventful day of work. Tomorrow could be more interesting since my boss will be back after a couple weeks of business trip. As well, we are going to be moving floors so I expect we’ll have to pack things up and then unpack them again. It should be plenty of fun. I’m not sure I will like the new floor though. Supposidly, I will be moving into a cubicle .. right now I’m in an small little like 3 workstation section, with a window view looking over East Regina behind me. In the past if my eyes ever got tired I would make sure to take a look out the window and see how the city was doing. One day I actually saw about 3 or 4 police officers driving their police cars with their lights on. One police officer looked like he was interviewing someone with the rest just looking around. I couldn’t look too long though since I got lots of work to do. Just like right now!