Exciting Times

Village RV after fire May 17, 2006I’ve been told I should “Spice it Up”, and I suppose I could. The thing is I don’t really know what I should be spicing up. If anyone has suggestions feel free to tell me. The past couple days have been enjoyable. Working during the day and relaxing after that. It is nice to come home at a regular time and not have to worry about anything. The evening of May 16th was rather interesting. A fire swept threw Village RV on the east side of Regina. It gutted the building and left nothing behind its path. Luckily, nobody was hurt and a lot of the RV’s in the parking lot shouldn’t be affected. It will be a big loss since they just finished that new area maybe a couple years ago. I decided to snap a picture off on my way to work in the morning while I drove by. I always like to take pictures of things while I am driving. My favourite picture has to be the car on its room on the ringroad during a really icy day. Another one would be a picture of 6 cars in the ditch on the trans-canada just outside of Regina. My picture from today is not very good. It’s hard to make out much but you can see the front of what was the main showroom. I guess that is what I get for taking pictures on a cellphone camera driving 100km/h on the highway.