3 Down – 2 to go

I have finished Chinese 100, CS340, and CS290AF. Now all I have left to do is CS306, and Econ202. Those two shouldn’t be too difficult and I’ll have plenty of time to study. I still haven’t gotten back any marks yet, but that is to be expected. In other news, I am thinking about upgrading my apache/mysql server. I have been looking at the Intel Pentium D 805, it seems like a really cheap dual core processor with good overclocking capabilities. If I order that I’ll probably get a decent mobo with 1gb of ram. I think that this would stabilize this webpage because as of late things just seemed to be getting flaky. For some reason the Pentium 166 keeps losing its IP address and disconnecting itself from the network. This isn’t that hard to fix but it requires rebooting. With the Pentium 3 – 500mhz machine, it will occassionally blue screen. I could probably fix this by reinstalling windows or installing linux but it is also used by my parents to check emails. They won’t let me touch their emails or let me switch them from outlook :( Time to get the credit card ready because I’m ordering a new computer!