Midterms and Coop

Time has come for midterms. Up first is a midterm for CS290AF, the java class. I am not sure what to expect for the midterm. So far the quizes have been tricky which I believe to be a ploy to lower the class average to a respectable level. I sure hope the midterm isn’t quick so tricky but I’m going to make sure to keep a sharp eye out for any tricks. After this midterm on Friday, I have another Chinese 100 quiz. I did not bad on the first quiz but it wasn’t 100%. I am going to have to try harder this time to strive for perfection. I hope that this will be the class to really boost my average up. After this, I have a week off for school. Yay to Spring Break! Then I come back from the break and have a CS340 midterm and then an Econ202 midterm. I am not going to be happy for both of these at all. I guess I should probably do a little bit of studying during the break but I doubt I will get anything done. Since I never seem to actually study for these things beforehand.