Interviews Complete

I have finally finished all my job interviews for my coop job for the summer. I think I should be able to find a nice job that will allow me to have plenty of money. I’ll have to try to balance it out so that I am saving a portion of my earnings so that way when I go back to school I will still have a lot of money around.

Back to the job interviews. The interviews weren’t very stressful at all for me. I remained relaxed and confident throughout. I think that this has to do with my prior experience for past job interviews. Some of the jobs sounded really interesting and there were some other jobs that were only slightly interesting. I only applied for jobs that I would be interested in working at this semester. This helped me since I knew the jobs that I would be doing and the material in their fields. This game me a knowledge boost for the interviews and I was able to better express myself. I will find out next week how I am ranked at the jobs and then I will go from there. If I am ranked number 1 by more than one job I will get to decide where I work. If only 1 then thats where I will be, and if no rankings . . . I better be looking for more employment elsewhere.