University meeting dissolves into drunken chaos at Lake Louise

Drunken and drug-fueled debauchery at the Chateau Lake Louise this past weekend forced RCMP and government inspectors to crash a party involving students from six universities across Western Canada.

I would really like to hear some of the students side of things. This sounds like a very strange situation that kind of got out of control. It’s good to see that Regina is represented but hopefully we weren’t the ones instigating everything. The Western Business Games sure sounds like an event with some good history now. I wonder if for next year there will be an increased demand in Admin students to attend?

To summarize the events, it sounds like a lot of the events for the Games involved drinking. When you have that many people and a lot of drinking bad stuff is bound to happen. The only reported injury was a 32 year old apparently jumping two floors off a railing. His condition is currently unknown. The police also found drugs in 4 of the guests rooms and brought out police dogs to sniff around the hotel. Reports also indicate that students were walking in bathing suits and g-strings around the hotel with open alcohol.

Overall, I’d say its a rather normal weekend for most of these people. Its university and these kids just want to have a good time.

**Update 4:20pm** The Calgary Herald has revised their article to state that the University of Regina was not involved despite a group of students claiming to be from the Univeristy of Regina. Funny, why would students claim to be from a univeristy and not actually go there. I believe the University of Regina is just trying to make sure their name is not tarnished by the actions of a group of students.

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3 thoughts on “University meeting dissolves into drunken chaos at Lake Louise”

  1. This activity just indicates to me that business students have far too much time on their hands. When I did my computer science degree it was around this time of year that people began sleeping in the lab an eating dry ichiban and coke from thier lockers. Perhaps it is time we brought the business program up to the standards of other faculties.

  2. I am able to say with 99% certainty that University of Regina students were at this event. The University may not have officially sent them there, but they were in fact there.

  3. In response to Jacob- I am a university of Lethbridge student enrolled in the Faculty of Management who did not attend the Western Business Games. I feel as though the event may have gotten out of control but I do not think it is fair to assume that we have too much free time on our hands. And as for bringing our program up to the standards of other programs, I suggest you do a little bit more research. I would find you hard- pressed to find another program, other than Management/ Commerce, at the University that you attended that is more school and community involved than our faculty. We are continually working on real- life situations with other faculties and members of the community. We attend many conferences and events to further ourself. Yes, there may be drinking and partying but that is only one aspect of the events, and it is purely social. In conclusion, I feel as though forty people from one school can not determine what the entire program stands for, so to judge all instead of the attendees is completely unrealistic.

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