Emirates Airline cancelled its order and options for 20 Airbus A340 aircraft. This cancellation comes after earlier announcements from Airbus about further delays for the A380 aircraft. Emirates is Airbus’s largest customer with an order of 45 A380 aircraft for a total around $13.5 billion. The A380 is a superjumbo jet, the worlds largest, with a double-decker 555-seat capacity. Emirates doesn’t seem to be satisfied with the delays and can’t really do much. I believe that this cancellation of the A340 was made easier following the delays of the A380.  As well, Emirates is supposidly sending an engineering team to Airbus’s manufacturing facilites in Toulouse, France to gather data on how long they estimate the planes will take to construct. My feelings are that Airbus better put on a good show or another 45 airplane deal could very well be cancelled. I wonder what kind of compensation Emirates would have to pay for cancelling such a large order? … $100 million?? Either way, Emirates won’t be able to escape these delays easily.