Express Shipping

I ended up ordering the Seagate 7200.10 – 320gb yesterday from NCIX. I chose Express Shipping and I am hoping it will get to my house today, since it is air shipping and not ground. I haven’t received the drive yet but I am already planning how I’m going to set it up. I have been debating installiing Ubuntu on it since I don’t have any desktop machines running linux at the moment. I’m just not sure the other people in my house would like that idea. I know if I do choose windows, I’ll be reinstalling windows. The old hard drive that is dieing has so much garbage packed into it from old programs. Since uninstalling doesn’t seem to remove everything and they will often leave behind a lot of mess. If I get the drive today, I’ll have the whole weekend to try messing around and getting things working.

One thought on “Express Shipping”

  1. it is a huge drive. you should just partition it and instal every possible opperating system on iit,. even that bad hack to have OS X work on a PC..sure it is like 5fps and doesnt load anything or recognize your hardware but you could say u have OSX on a box that says designed for windows on it

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