Next Purchase

I have been looking at buying a new hard drive recently. The reason I’m looking for a hard drive is because one of my current drives is starting to die. Windows keeps telling me that there are more and more bad sectors and I should backup all my data immediately. With hard drives getting larger and larger and the prices constantly coming down, why not get a new one. I have been interested in the Seagate 7200.10 – 320gb SATA2 drive. This drive uses the new perpendicular technology and some people have said it is almost as fast as a Raptor drive. Best of all though, its on sale right now at NCIX for $114. Now its time to convince myself that I really do need a new hard drive and to buy it!

2 thoughts on “Next Purchase”

  1. you need a new hard drive, buy it and love it. I bought myself a new one, 250 gig..should be nice

    9/19 w00t

  2. Yeah I ended up ordering the hard drive in the afternoon. I couldn’t control myself. It should perform almost as fast as the 10,000rpm drives so I’m in for a treat.

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