On Friday I received got my Creative Zen Vision M in the mail. I opened it up and was very impressed with the packaging. After I got all the software installed and everything plugged in, I transferred over a bunch of music and some videos. Next thing you know I’m watching Trailer Park Boys off the palm of my hand. The size of the unit and the screen are very nice. If the screen were any bigger then the whole unit would have to be larger. I’m happy with the size, although it could have been a little bit thinner. It is something like 0.7 inches wide, so it isn’t too bad. I’ll have to see how well it works when I’m at work and listening to music. I think I’ll be running into space problems fairly soon but I suppose that’d be alright. I’ll just have to spend time copying data back and forth more often then. The 30gb hard drive is more than enough for the battery life. The radio feature is pretty nice, although when I have all my favorite music why would I subject myself to that. I could see myself listening to the Wolf for their normally funny morning show. Overall, I’m going to have to give it two thumbs up and my seal of approval.