Monday is back and that means the weekend is over. Nothing much happened over the weekend. I had an interesting time waiting in line at Habbano’s for about an hour on Saturday. The line didn’t move so we left, but it was still interesting. I was busy working at the Z on Saturday and Sunday. At which time I decided to help out by working a stock person shift on Tuesday. Should be interesting. Not as interesting as tonight though. I have a soccer game at 5:45, which could go either way. We are having a rematch against the last team we played and lost to. Edmonton Oilers are in for a big game tonight. Game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals starts at 6. If I do my calculations correctly, with an average game length of two and a half hours… I will be able to see the end of the game!! Well, I shouldn’t speak too soon, they could still cancel my soccer game due to closed fields.