Well the end of my constant working that is. This Friday I’ll get an EDO (earned day off) and finally get a nice break. I probably don’t even need a break but I like to think I do. Working two jobs like I am doing isn’t that difficult and it stills seems to leave me with plenty of time. Well, I’m sure if I actually used my time I would want more, but for me right now, its good. I just looked ahead to Tuesday’s new releases.. again I will be disappointed. I wonder when they will get back to good releases. Maybe after summer, I can only hope. I guess World Cup will have to tide me over till then. I’m sure Sasktel must be getting angry with me right now. I have downloaded the first five games so far, and 3 of them have been 2.1gb each and the other 2 were 1.4gb each. I’m also using bit torrent and I am the type of person who likes to share. So my ratio is almost always above 1 to 1. I wonder if I’ll be able to keep this up for all 64 games.