With another EDO coming up on Friday I will be enjoying my fourth straight 4-day week of work. Next week could be difficult since I will have to be at work from Monday to Friday. I suppose it will only be one more and I shouldn’t be worrying. The weather around here is still rather cool and looks like rain at anytime. I hope that it clears out and makes things,such as walking outside, more convenient. If it does look nicer out, I could very well see myself for a walk outside.
Category Archives: General
General items that fit either no category or more than one category.
After another week of work and many late nights Friday is here once again. Four day weeks seem to go by so quickly, since it always feels like the weekend. What the weekend means to me is the ability to sleep in and the spend money. I enjoy doing both of these things. It also means I can talk really late on MSN, or listen to music and not have to worry about having to do anything the next day. Also, whatever I happen to do is considered a bonus. It’s always better to go into the weekend not expecting to do much so that way whatever you do will be an accomplishment. An example would be my last four day weekend, I didn’t get much done the whole time. If anyone has something interesting they would like to do, please tell me and I’ll consider it.
Recent DVD Purchases
I thought I would summarize my most recent DVD purchases from the past couple weeks. I bought Trailer Park Boys Season 5; I am a really big fan of the series and cannot go without buying these dvds. From Rogers Video awhile back I bought Serenity, Porco Rosso, The Island, and Unleashed. All of these are really good movies and definetly worth the price I paid for them since they were used. Then just the other day, I bought some more DVD’s from Rogers. This time around I bought Zhou Yu’s Train (Chinese movie that looked interesting), Wedding Crashers, and a U2 DVD (wasn’t much else I wanted). Another deal I got in on is Columbia Houses, buy 1 DVD for $9.99 and get 2 free with no future commitments. I know that Columbia House sucks but thought I might as well try it out. So I got Saving Private Ryan, Wedding Singer, and Tommy Boy. I would have liked to buy more, but as always I have to think of the future and limit my spending. The good thing is, paychecks are coming up right away!!!
Weight Gain
I just saw this interesting article while browsing Google News. I am not affected it seems by lack of sleep but women appear to be. From now on, all women should make sure to get good nights sleep and plenty of rest. If your sleep patterns are being disrupted its a good idea to get them looked at and make sure the problem is fixed before it becomes an issue.
Stadium Arcadium
I bought the new Red Hot Chili Peppers CD today. I made sure to pricematch another stores price and then get my discount. I was hoping that I could confuse Julia, the newest cashier and friend of my sister Amy. Her always charming sister Alex, was also working and I probably should have stopped and chatted for a bit but Ben wanted to get moving. I hope that she won’t be too upset because of that. Since it was Julia’s first day, I really did the best I could to confuse her. Zellers seems like such a strange place. . I thought that most stores wouldn’t like to hire people from the same family, but at Zellers they seem to like hiring from the same families. I suppose it wouldn’t interfere with the work too much and it could be convenient if people ever needed rides.
Back to the CD talk .. I have already listened to the CD a lot since I downloaded it. I am the type of person who downloads the CD and listens to it a whole bunch then decides to purchase it. This way, I don’t buy stuff I won’t listen to. Also, it seems like I hardly ever listen to the actual CDs, since I will normally rip the CD to my computer or Xbox or whatever. Listening to CDs is more of an inconvience, I prefer to just pretend I’m giving money to the artists. Some of my favorite songs on this CD are: Dani California (not really but its good), Snow (Hey Oh), Tell Me Baby, 21st Century, and some others. Overall I think its worth the cost since the 2CDs contain a lot of music.
Need a haircut
I have been wanting to get a haircut for almost a week now. . Last friday I had to choose between going to laserquest and the haircut. I chose laserquest because I wanted to show off my shooting skills. So, my plan for the haircut had to be pushed back a bit. Today, I went into Regina after work and tried to get a haircut. I don’t know why Regina is so difficult. First off everything seems to close at 6. . . Next, the places that are open till 8 are booked!? I suppose it was just bad luck. Some positives that came out of going to Regina include buying some used DVDs from Rogers video, and buying some drinks and ibuprofen from Zellers while getting good customer service. I received very quick and responsive service from the good looking cashier who did a fantastic job at putting all of my merchandise into bags. The other service in the store was interesting, with the new recruits receiving their training by the mall. They are the future of the store and I could just see them getting their ball and chains attached. With wonderful service like that who needs to shop anywhere else? I know I’ll shop there again!
Trailer Park Boys Finale
Trailer Park Boys season finale was last night and it was a really great episode. In fact, I would have to say that it was one of the best episodes ever. The show had a mix of everything that makes up Trailer Park Boys. The ending was very good and it almost felt as if this was not just a season finale but a series finale. I felt after watching it that all the loose ends to everthing were resolved and that the future was looking good. So, if the rumours of a seventh season are correct, I will be very interested to see the direction to where the show moves. I’m sure that Mike Clattenburg has some good ideas but unfortunately, it has been said by the actors who play Cory and Trevor that they will not be back. They had said they weren’t very happy with the direction their characters have been moving. I can’t really blame them. . I know I wouldn’t want to be playing those guys for that long!
Back to work
The weekend is over and I ended up doing pretty much nothing. I think in the future I should plan on doing nothing then when I actually do something I’ll feel like better. The plan for this week is to work from Tuesday – Friday (only 4 days), then work at Zellers on Saturday. Even thought I pretty much work everyday it doesn’t seem like all I do is work. I still have lots of time to watch downloaded tv shows, and listen to music.
I had my second soccer game of the season tonight. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to pull out a win and lost 3 to 0. We all were feeling very tired after playing in such heat. I am pretty sure the entire game was played with the temperature over 30. We just aren’t used to those temperatures and our energy melted away quickly. By the time the second half came and some clouds moved in it was too late and our tank was empty. Now, we have to wait two weeks for our next game. I am hoping that our team will schedule some form of practise in this time or else we won’t be improving as fast as we could be.
Great Stock Shift
The Matthew Demyen Reunion Tour today at Zellers was excellent. I returned to my roots and gave a lesson on the ways of Stock person. I was flying around the store at a very quick pace and provided the utmost level of customer satisfaction. I was moving so fast, that everyone else had to run to keep up. It was fun being a stock person for one shift, but I don’t think I could ever go back to that job. I did so much more work than one person ever should and got paid the same. I would probably rate my wage today at around $13/hour. So after Saturdays sideways departure into the world of working at Jewelry/Cosmetics, and then the Reunion tour on stock, I am all set to continue my envious job of working at Home Electronics.
New Gallery
I finally got around to adding a new gallery to my site. I use to have an old one that wasn’t very good that was lost a long time ago. The new one is based on Gallery 2.1.1, you can check it out at http://gallery.menalto.com/ It looks like it has a whole bunch of useful features and should be a good way to present all of my pictures. You can check out my gallery at…removed due to being vulnerable to hack… I would like to hear any comments you may have about anything I should change or modify.