All work and No play makes Matthew a dull boy. With the soccer game cancelled last night, it is official, all I ever do it go to work. Good thing work isn’t a bad place where the stuff that I’m doing sucks; sometimes I just want to have fun though. This upcoming Friday, they have rescheduled the Greenall Soccer Alumni game so that should be interesting. I will have to try and get out to that. I am still hoping that I can get down to the states one of these days. The dollar has continued to remain strong and is holding around 90 cents to 1 US Dollar. Thats enough for me to get a deal, so I’m there. The good thing is, I’d be able to get there and back in no time at all. Since its basically just a bit further than Saskatoon from Regina.  So until then, hopefully some people will be able to help me fill my time and make life interesting.
Category Archives: General
General items that fit either no category or more than one category.
The End is Near
Well the end of my constant working that is. This Friday I’ll get an EDO (earned day off) and finally get a nice break. I probably don’t even need a break but I like to think I do. Working two jobs like I am doing isn’t that difficult and it stills seems to leave me with plenty of time. Well, I’m sure if I actually used my time I would want more, but for me right now, its good. I just looked ahead to Tuesday’s new releases.. again I will be disappointed. I wonder when they will get back to good releases. Maybe after summer, I can only hope. I guess World Cup will have to tide me over till then. I’m sure Sasktel must be getting angry with me right now. I have downloaded the first five games so far, and 3 of them have been 2.1gb each and the other 2 were 1.4gb each. I’m also using bit torrent and I am the type of person who likes to share. So my ratio is almost always above 1 to 1. I wonder if I’ll be able to keep this up for all 64 games.
Bitter Disappointment
Our soccer match last night against Chile was not as good as I had imagined. For some reason, even though we had one sub, we didn’t look as good as our team on Monday. I think our problem for the first half was we tried to play too much defensive offside trap. This led them and us to making a lot of high speed runs back for the ball. This team, although smaller than us, had speed, so all of those runs tired us out. In the second half, we were down, but not out, we needed something to bring us back into the game. We did make a valant effort, but we only started playing really good for the last 30 minutes or so. We got really close, and if it wasn’t for their goalie making a couple of really good saves we would have easily tied or won. Next game will be on Monday, June 12.
The New Office
I am settling into my new office today. I would much rather prefer the layout of the old one. With the new one I is more cubicle type while my old one was kind of an open type. With the new cubicle, it feels like I have less privacy and more pressure since everyone will be able to walk by and watch me. I think I’m going to need some big plants to form a “mini wall” on my desk to block everyone out. So this is going to be my new home. I have heard rumours that there will be an even larger move to the College Avenue location. If/When that takes place I don’t have any idea what I could expect.  I suppose I better start enjoying this move now because I’ll be here for another 7 months.
Moving Day
Today I am moving floors at work. I will be going from the 11th floor up to the 14th floor. Although, I am fairly certain it is actually the 13th floor relabelled.. Must be some supersticious engineer at work. I think it is actually fairly common to skip the labelling of the 13th floor on buildings. Wish me luck, cause I could very well need it. (to counter-act all the bad luck associated with 13)
Chile Round 2
Tonight, I will be at my second game against Chile FC. We tied the last game on Monday and I’m sure we will be in for another battle tonight. Their team is just so much smaller than our team it makes us look huge. In other news, the World Cup is starting on Friday and will continue on for a month. That should make life in the office a little bit more interesting as we dedicate ourselves to our work with a constant eye out on the football matches. This year, Sportsnet and TSN will be televising every game from the world cup. Too bad I’ll be at work and unable to watch the games lives. It should be good times.
Full Work Week
Today I start the first day in my first full 5-day week of work. I have been lucky up till now to only ever have to work 4 days. I don’t really expect it to be any different since I normally lose track of days anyway. This week is also the return of soccer. I have a soccer game tonight and then again on Wednesday night. Then, depending on how much time I have, there will also be an alumni game for Greenall Soccer on Friday. I am also back at the Z on friday. All things considered, I am in for a busy week. My only free time will be coming in the later evenings, and by that time I can normally get into other projects. I’m just looking forward to the Canada Day Super Long Weekend!
Incase anyone has seen this and has no idea what I’m talking about. . . Well, I am going to Red Hot Chili Peppers on September 19. I’ll be in Saskatoon with Nick. It should be a lot of fun as I have been really enjoying their new double CD. I’m not as excited about the warmup band The Mars Volta. I have already seen them live once before (System of a Down warm up band). They seem to play like 3 or 4 songs for an hour. Most of the time it just sounds like they are all playing different songs and the worst was the afro singer guy was wearing tight pants and moonwalking. Not my kind of entertainment! Maybe since then they have improved their act and will actually put on a decent show.
So begins another, what should be, uneventful day of work. Tomorrow could be more interesting since my boss will be back after a couple weeks of business trip. As well, we are going to be moving floors so I expect we’ll have to pack things up and then unpack them again. It should be plenty of fun. I’m not sure I will like the new floor though. Supposidly, I will be moving into a cubicle .. right now I’m in an small little like 3 workstation section, with a window view looking over East Regina behind me. In the past if my eyes ever got tired I would make sure to take a look out the window and see how the city was doing. One day I actually saw about 3 or 4 police officers driving their police cars with their lights on. One police officer looked like he was interviewing someone with the rest just looking around. I couldn’t look too long though since I got lots of work to do. Just like right now!
Possible Really Long Weekend
With Canada on July 1, Saturday, that holiday is going to move to the Monday or July 3rd. I have been researching this and it also looks like I will have a floating holiday on June 30th. Not to mention, I have an EDO for that time as well. So I will most likely be having a 5 DAY LONG WEEKEND. This will be a really great time for me to go shopping south of the border. Although Amy, said I should stay home for other reasons. Her reason although has a very without small chance of happening in her head, actual might happen. This is what I would call a dilemma.