Category Archives: General

General items that fit either no category or more than one category.

Canada Day

No today is not Canada Day… thats on Saturday, July 1st.  Today is Wednesday, my last day for work before my super-long weekend.  This will be one very long Canada Day.  (Thursday, Friday, Sat-Sun, and then Monday).  What are my plans for the 5 days you ask? How about nothing. I never seem to get around to doing anything with my plans anyway so why should I bother making them.  I’ll just do whatever comes my way and hope that something does so I don’t get bored.  I ordered my Creative Zen Vision M from!  I think I got a good deal.  It is regular price at $379.99 and it was $30 off.  So, $349.99 then I used a $35 off any purchase over $300 coupon thing.  Thus I ended up paying $314.99 + $5 shipping.  Too bad I couldn’t get the same deal after July 1st.  I could have said almost $3 on the 1% GST reduction.  I am hoping it will be delivered by Friday so I can start playing with it over the weekend.


My soccer team lost another close one last night.  The final score was 2 to 1.  We are getting really close to winning these games but can’t seem to finish.  I’m sure that by the end of the season we’ll be doing very well.  Last night’s game was against Capital Charger.  They are currently in first place in the division.  Very beatable.  Today, I am feeling the effects from the game, and I’m really sore.  The next game is tomorrow, against CUFC FUHL, so I’ll have to kick into super-recovery mode.

Interesting Turn in Developments

My older brother, Jesse, called last Thursday said he wanted me and Ben to come out to Alberta for a concert.  After receiving more details, the plan is now to see Tool twice!  We will go see Tool in Calgary August 24, then see them again in Edmonton August 25.  This will be amazing.  We already have the tickets so now I have to get the arrangements set up so I won’t be working.  I’ll probably drive to Calgary on the Thursday morning and get there with plenty of time before the show.  I still have a couple months before the concert but I am already anticipating it.


After looking at my calendar this morning I realized something. . If I take my EDO next week Thursday, I will only have 3 more days of work until my super-long weekend. I have also thought about taking it on the July 4.  I’m sure either would work.  My goal was to go to the United States sometime during the break, and I should probably get some plans underway soon.  Having two holidays back to back and then my EDO is going to awesome.  After I get back, I will have worked for around 2 months with another 6 months to go.  Time is flying when you are having fun.


Yesterday, it rained and rained and rained.  Unfortunately, that means that my soccer game was cancelled.  This is the second time that my team has had a game cancelled.  Both times to we were suppose to play against CUFC.  With no soccer I had some time to fill.  I substituted the soccer game with a movie.

I saw The Fast and The Furious : Tokyo Drift.  I felt throughout the entire movie that the CGI wasn’t really that good, and in some places looked kind of suspicious.  It is still a major improvement for what we could have expected just a few years ago.  I would have liked to have seen some more highway racing, and less drifting.  That’s probably just me since though, since it would have gone against the focus of “drifting”.  I was hoping that the main characters would have been name dropping like in the past movies. I think its funny when the main characters talk like they know what a car is by saying all the brand names for the parts.  Overall, I think the movie was not bad.  I’d say it goes right up there with the rest of them.

Feeling the Pain

I am still feeling sore from Monday’s soccer game, and that marathon or work yesterday didn’t help.  I have another soccer game tonight so I better start sucking it up.  My sister, and her friends Linnea and Julia were in a car accident yesterday.  It sounded pretty serious and there were injuries a plenty.  Luckily, none of the injuries were any more severious than they were.

Long Day of Work

Today will probably be my longest day of work ever.  I am working from 8 – 4:30 at Sask Learning then  I have my stock shift at Zellers from 5 – 9.  I doubt it will make any difference how long the day actually is, but I can see how this could be a problem if it happened often.  Yesterday was filled with losses.  First of all, our soccer team lost pretty bad to Wolfenstein FC again.  One of the main reasons was lack of players that showed up.  Next up, Edmonton Oilers lost their Stanley Cup to the Carolina Hurricanes.  Better luck next time I suppose; for both cases in fact.

Busy Monday

Monday is back and that means the weekend is over.  Nothing much happened over the weekend.  I had an interesting time waiting in line at Habbano’s for about an hour on Saturday.  The line didn’t move so we left, but it was still interesting.  I was busy working at the Z on Saturday and Sunday.  At which time I decided to help out by working a stock person shift on Tuesday.  Should be interesting.  Not as interesting as tonight though.  I have a soccer game at 5:45, which could go either way.  We are having a rematch against the last team we played and lost to.  Edmonton Oilers are in for a big game tonight. Game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals starts at 6.  If I do my calculations correctly, with an average game length of two and a half hours…  I will be able to see the end of the game!!  Well, I shouldn’t speak too soon, they could still cancel my soccer game due to closed fields.

Feels Like a Friday

With my day off tomorrow, today really feels like a Friday.  Tomorrow should be good times at the Greenall Alumni Game.  I should email Mr. Moore to let him know I’ll be there or else he’ll get worried noone will show up.  This year, I’m sure the alumni team will be able to take the current roster.  We have so much talent on the alumni side it isn’t even going to be a fair match.  I just hope there is a decent turnout.  Sasktel is probably hating me right now.  I’ve downloaded quite a few of the world cup matches, and I have a whole lot more in my queue.  I’ve probably downloaded 18gb of games and uploaded around 17gb (this has been since Friday).  Most of the matches are 2.1gb with a higher resolution, some of the others are 1.4gb with still decent resolution, and then one was 700mb which is rather low quality.  I just need to find enough time now to watch them all.

Change of Weather

Today looks like it will be the last day of nice weather.  Tomorrow will be back to the rain.  Tonight’s soccer game is White City v. Wolfenstein FC.  It should be an interesting match since we beat them in the pre-season so they will be out for revenge.  I hope we bring our A game and pull through.  We should all be well rested since we didn’t play on Monday, although that could be a bad thing since we aren’t all really in shape yet.  Monday’s game is now rescheduled for June 28, just for my information. I hope the sun comes back again soon since this rainy weather isn’t welcome.