Category Archives: General

General items that fit either no category or more than one category.

Labour Day Weekend

Another long weekend. This weekend I’ll be at my first Saskatchewan Rider game of the season: the annual Labour Day Classic down at Mosaic Stadium at Taylor Field. I still don’t like the new name for the stadium, but I suppose it doesn’t really make much of a difference. Hopefully they put that sponsorship money to good use. I am hoping that the Riders come out playing good and win. The last couple games against Hamilton have been entertaining with huge wins and no real threat.

Also this weekend is my cousin’s first birthday party down at Kenosee Lake on Saturday. That should be fun for supper and cake. I don’t remember my first birthday but I hope I had a good time. On the way down to Kenosee we should probably be passing through Kipling. This is the place where they are having the housewarming party for the red paperclip guy. We most definetly will not be stopping by, but it could be interesting to see how busy the small town will be.

After the weekend is over, it’s back to school. On Tuesday night, I start off with CS375 at 7pm. Then on Wednesday at 7pm I’ll be in Economics 238. Both classes should be interesting. I’m really looking forward to the economics since I enjoy sports so much.

The countdown continues.

End of Regular Season

With our loss last night, the season was officially over. We only had 7 players again, although during the second half we put on forward a great effort and only saw us lose 6 – 3, maybe it was 5 – 3. I scored in the losing effort but with a larger roster we could easily have won. I’m not sure about the playoffs yet since the schedule hasn’t been made, but if we are involved we could be having a hard time. Next time, we should enforce some sort of obligation for attendance. These excuses and reasons for no-shows are getting lame.


I bought a Sirius SV1 in-car satellite receiver. It is shaped kind of like a radar detector and is plug-and-play. I figured that since I drive every day for at least an hour, I might as well get something interesting to listen to. The reason I chose this model, and Sirius is because of the price. It was on sale at Bestbuy for $39.99 so I bought it from Futureshop. Thank you Arthur for digging out from the back. The whole installation was very easy and quick. I wouldn’t even call it an installation since all I did was run the wires around. I placed the antenna on my hood since other locations on the car seemed inconvenient. Activation online was a breeze. I thought I might as well go for the one year subscription even though I hadn’t ever used the service. By the end of the one year, I’ll probably buy an XM radio so I can listen to hockey games; since XM signed an exclusive contract with the NHL. After listening to it a little bit, I’m sure I’ll find some favorite stations and it’ll make the whole “investment” worthwhile.

Exciting Times

Last weekend was great. I spent all day driving to Calgary on Thursday so I could make it to the first Tool concert that night. We had floor seats so it was pretty good. The only negative that I could think of would be the people standing on the chairs in front of us. This resulted in everyone standing on chairs then (stupid). After that concert we went back to Black Diamond sleep at my brothers house.

Then the next morning we drove off to Edmonton. Since we left early enough we checked out the West Edmonton Mall before we ventured off to the second Tool concert. Our seats for this show were up in a bit which resulted in a really good view of the stage. The only negative I could think of is the setup they have at Rexall Place in Edmonton. Everyone in the building shares the same concession stands. This resulted in huge lines for beer. I think we probably waited 40 minutes (basically missed the entire opening ISIS show) Both concerts were great, I had a really awesome time. I bought a couple shirts, while Ben and Jesse bought some big posters. After the concert we decided to check out the hype and see White Avenue.

After taking the taxi to White Avenue we found out that it isn’t actually very close to Rexall Place. The street was busy and a lot of people were mingling around. We didn’t really know which bars to check out. We first stopped at an upstairs bar called “The Attic”. It was alright, kind of just whatever, only having one small bar. After we finished a drink we left and went walking down the street in pursuit of another bar. The next and last bar we stopped at was the Funky Buddha. It was a little bit bigger with definetly more people. We ended up staying at this bar for an hour and a half or so until closing time. We were basically the last people out of there. After this we were trying to get a taxi. This was way harder than it should have been. We waited and waited but nothing. We got a hotdog and kept waiting. Ben got lost for a bit but we eventually found him. We saw a group of people surrounding one guy who was turtling. Jesse the good guy he is convinced this group to leave the guy alone and get some hotdogs with him. So Jesse was leading these 5 guys towards the hotdog stand when a police car flies across the street almost driving up on the curb. The police jump out and immediately move towards Jesse. They say “put down the pipe”. Jesse looks around. They say again, “put down the lead pipe”. Jesse looks at his poster and says, “I don’t have a pipe”. The police officer runs at him open handedly punching him in the throat knocking him down. Ben runs in and says “what are you doing, calm down”. The police runs at him and pushes him, while I get knocked over standing beside Ben. After a couple more seconds I get Jesse back over beside me and Ben, while the guy who was about to get killed earlier tells about the real bad guys and informs the police that we were a bunch of good guys. The police officer goes on and on telling about he was justified to hit us since the posters looked like lead pipes, so we matched their description. It was retarded and I thought we better get out of there quick. So I turn around and within seconds get a taxi who we immediately make our getaway in. The taxi driver saw the events unfold and said the cops had a misunderstanding. Whatever though, it’s just police brutality, we got back to the hotel and went to sleep.

The next morning, Saturday, I drove back to Calgary from Edmonton. That night, we went to some guys party at his house. It was interesting and only 1 or 2 fights broke out. That was a very entertaining evening. Finally, Sunday morning, I drove back from Calgary to Regina. I had just enough time to recouperate in time for work on Monday. Overall, it was a good adventure, with a great band for entertainment.


We lost our soccer game last night. The problem isn’t that we lost of what the score was. The problem for me and I’m sure everyone who did show up was the lack of commitment by our teamates. We had to play our game last night with 8 people. For the better part of the season we have been plagued by lack of players and a lot of excuses. Before the soccer season started I could have signed up for a night class at university but I didn’t want to cut into any games so I didn’t do it. Without players commiting themselves to the team and to the games it is going to be very hard to be competitive and win. With one regular season game left, next week Wednesday, maybe we will get a solid roster out and prove to everyone what could have been.

3 Days

The concerts are approaching. The plan right now is that I will leave bright and early Thursday morning. I hope that my DVD’s from Amazon get here today so I can watch Mr Show during the drive. That is some good entertainment that will keep me occupied for hours. Just like last night watching The Brave Little Toaster. I hadn’t watched that movie since I was little guy. It is strange watching the movie again and seeing how often the appliances insult each other. As well, the movie seemed very scary for a child to be watching. It’s funny because the scary parts weren’t memorable to me, so I probably wasn’t very scared as a child.

Second last regular season soccer game tonight. Should be interesting, and hopefully I have recovered enough to actually be able to play well. My heel is still hurting but I am now able to walk on it.

Free Texas Hold’em on Xbox Live Arcade

Microsoft isn’t bluffing with this one. They announced here that for 48 hours after it is launched, next week wednesday, it will be absolutely free. For me thats a good thing because I always love to get things for free. I just have to make sure to download it during those 48 hours or I’ll look pretty stupid. After the 48 hours, it will resume its regular price of 800 xbox live points.

One and a half Weeks

The title says all. Well it actually just says how long until I’m off to Calgary for the first part of my TOOL adventure. Everything has been going good so far and I don’t expect any problems. Now that the happy news is done, time to get to the stupid news. I tried to see Talladega Nights on Saturday, but it was sold out. The Galaxy was packed and it seemed like a lot of movies were really full. It’s times like that where I have no idea what the MPAA is talking about with decreased attendance at movie theatres. Next time they mention how ticket sales are down whatever percent, I’ll take it with a grain of salt. Now where is my movie theatre on the East side!!

Express Shipping

I ended up ordering the Seagate 7200.10 – 320gb yesterday from NCIX. I chose Express Shipping and I am hoping it will get to my house today, since it is air shipping and not ground. I haven’t received the drive yet but I am already planning how I’m going to set it up. I have been debating installiing Ubuntu on it since I don’t have any desktop machines running linux at the moment. I’m just not sure the other people in my house would like that idea. I know if I do choose windows, I’ll be reinstalling windows. The old hard drive that is dieing has so much garbage packed into it from old programs. Since uninstalling doesn’t seem to remove everything and they will often leave behind a lot of mess. If I get the drive today, I’ll have the whole weekend to try messing around and getting things working.