Category Archives: General

General items that fit either no category or more than one category.

Faith Hill attracts attention

At this years CMA’s the much talked about incident wasn’t a wardrobe malfunction or someone going off on a political tirade, but a loser’s reaction. For the female singer of the year award, the contestants are all awaiting the outcome and when it is announced that Carrie Underwood wins, Faith Hill doesn’t believe it. She turns and makes an angered face and yells WHAT?! Now, I know that this is probably what most people think, but normally you keep it inside. For someone like her that is professional this kind of stunt is very uncalled for. I am pressuming she did it to attract attention maybe to sell more albums and get her name publicized. She was successful but now in a very bad light. Then afterwards, she is now saying it was meant to be a joke. Well joke off camera then, that is disrespectful.

Ricky Williams to stay in Canada?

“They must have some good weed in Canada for Ricky to be considering staying up there! Not that there’s anything wrong with Canada, but it’s not his home.” –bcope16

I have to say that if Ricky Williams is considering staying in the CFL for another season it proves how strong a league the CFL actually is. If one of the best running backs in the NFL is satisfied with playing in a league that pays him less, I wonder why more players aren’t making this type of transition over. This season Williams hasn’t really been an allstar in the league like everyone thought but that hasn’t changed the way he played the game. By putting in an effort game after game, Ricky is showing that he does in fact care more about playing football and not the money. The CFL is a great league and shouldn’t be looked at like its the minor leagues for the NFL.

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University meeting dissolves into drunken chaos at Lake Louise

Drunken and drug-fueled debauchery at the Chateau Lake Louise this past weekend forced RCMP and government inspectors to crash a party involving students from six universities across Western Canada.

I would really like to hear some of the students side of things. This sounds like a very strange situation that kind of got out of control. It’s good to see that Regina is represented but hopefully we weren’t the ones instigating everything. The Western Business Games sure sounds like an event with some good history now. I wonder if for next year there will be an increased demand in Admin students to attend?

To summarize the events, it sounds like a lot of the events for the Games involved drinking. When you have that many people and a lot of drinking bad stuff is bound to happen. The only reported injury was a 32 year old apparently jumping two floors off a railing. His condition is currently unknown. The police also found drugs in 4 of the guests rooms and brought out police dogs to sniff around the hotel. Reports also indicate that students were walking in bathing suits and g-strings around the hotel with open alcohol.

Overall, I’d say its a rather normal weekend for most of these people. Its university and these kids just want to have a good time.

**Update 4:20pm** The Calgary Herald has revised their article to state that the University of Regina was not involved despite a group of students claiming to be from the Univeristy of Regina. Funny, why would students claim to be from a univeristy and not actually go there. I believe the University of Regina is just trying to make sure their name is not tarnished by the actions of a group of students.

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Windows 3.11 is still alive, and ready to beat vista at anything!

from youtube: “One night i had this idea to install dos 6.22+windows 3.11. I’ve put some patches to windows 3.11, make 32bit tcp/ip working, install some new drivers for network, video card etc. and… it works. 16 bit windows 3.11 system can really work in 32/64 bits world. Check this video and say: we don’t need vista ;-)”

I haven’t used Windows 3.11 in such a long time. When I see a video of people still using such old software in today’s environment it really shows the longevity of well put together software. This should be something that developers should really focus on, not the fact people will use your software in the short term, but also, people using your software in the long term. By creating software that is stable, efficient, and adaptable; future systems should be able to maintain the functionality of the software and allow for a usable environment.

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Poor Borat

Borat : Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan opened on Friday.  Well it opened somewhere.  It’s weekend gross from $26.4 million USD and could easily have been $10 more if it opened in Regina.  The movie itself has been generating great reviews, and creating a lot of hype.  Not a lot of movies get as much promotion as this movie had received, and then to not come to anywhere in Saskatchewan??, doesn’t make a lot of sense.  I hope they will be rectifying this problem soon, or else people might just lose more interest in a show that looks so promising.  A quote from one article states, “Despite much advance praise for “Borat,” distributor Fox scaled back its Friday opening to about 800 theaters because it is concerned that the movie wasn’t registering high enough in audience-awareness tracking.”

News is already out on the follow up to Borat, with a movie called Bruno.  Universal won the rights to the movie for $42.5 million.  This is a lot considering they don’t even know if Borat will be able to generate that much money.   This upcoming movie is starring a character called Bruno, and from what has been written, he will be interviewing people in the fashion industry and homophobes.  That should be entertaining!

Rock Star Supernova Name Replacement Bassist

Rock Star Supernova have announced that former Black Crowes bassist Johnny Colt will be a temporary replacement for Jason Newstead.  Jason Newstead was injured a couple weeks back when a bass head fell off his amp and injured his shoulder/arm.  Tommy Lee and Gilby Clark seem to be happy with the selection, and they are familiar with Colt.  Tommy even said that “he is the type of player that can plug in and immediately make his presence felt.”  He will have a couple months to get some practice in before their first tour gig in Las Vegas on New Year’s Eve.  The replacement is only temporary as Jason Newstead expects to be back in action in under 9 months.

Rock Star Supernova’s first album will be in stores November 21.  The band had already recorded the material before the injury so the bass in the songs will be brought care of Jason Newstead.

How iTunes saved The Office

According to the people at NBC, the iTunes Store and the success that The Office has experienced from it are responsible for keeping the show alive. I have never paid for a tv show before via iTunes, but this is one show I would consider. The Office is such a great show and I am so thankful that they didn’t cancel it after the first season. I remember back then the television ratings weren’t that great but it had pretty decent numbers on iTunes. I just watch the show on tv and make sure to record it, so I have no need to pay for it. Hopefully sales continue strong and they make a fourth season.

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