My Favorite Music

From here, you can see some of my favorite bands, and music I like to listen to. Along the right-hand side is a list of favorites that I selected while listening to music on Pandora

Although I have never really spent time learning music, nor was I ever in band, I have made some music on my own. I have a couple of short pieces that I have made available online. My first piece is a dark and mysterious sounding clip that loops pretty good. Its title is Dark Atmosphere My other example piece is dark mysterious, and kind of creepy. Its title is New Storm. The rev in the title means that this is actually revised from the unreleased original. Both songs were created using completely by me without any samples. I used software called Reason to create them.

To Summarize my favorite music could be difficult since I normally have a hard time thinking of the music I really like. Although I could tell you quickly if I didn't like something. I absolutely don't like country and rap. I don't like anything with bagpipes (don't ask I don't know). After taking away those possibilites you end up with the list I have here. Artists are presented in absolutely no particular order. I am sure I am forgetting a lot here!

  • System of a Down
  • Tool
  • Red Hot Chili Peppers
  • Broken Social Scene
  • Blue October
  • The Servant
  • Metric
  • Snow Patrol
  • Audioslave
  • Gorillaz
  • Daft Punk
  • Megadeth
  • Metallica
  • Dragonforce
  • The Mars Volta (not live)